Hello, I'm Therese

I have been a Psychic and Medium all of my life. As a young child, I thought that everyone had these abilities. My path has always been committed to my own spiritual development and sharing my knowledge. I have been reading Tarot and using my gift of Mediumship to guide and support others for over 30 years. I believe passionately that all have these gifts and my satisfaction comes from helping others learn to trust more in their own intuition and inner guidance.

Hello, I'm Michelle 

This story is too long to share here though I've had a very up and down life. From toxic relationships, to raising 3 children alone, to running my own business then going through my own spiritual awakening. All has taken me down a very unique and interesting path which has made me who I am today (clichè I know). Though they say, it's not the destination,  it is who we become on the journey that is most important. 

Hello, I'm Andrea

Due to my own challenges in life it is my purpose to help women overcome their limitations which may have been caused through an abusive relationship, through loosing themselves along the way of being a mother, wife, housekeeper, family provider etc. and who ultimately have lost their own identity.

As their sister I am offering them my helping hand to rise above and beyond their limitations and with my assistance they will be able to rediscover their true identity and spread their wings to a life of happiness, fulfillment, joy and calm which will ultimately make them realize their life's purpose.


Our Story

We, the Life Coach, Psychologist and  Accountant, crossed paths in 2022 through mutual friends and haven't looked back since. 

Each of us have a common goal which is to help people unlock their inner power to know their hidden truth and create a universe where all may thrive. 

After many years of one to one guidance and group workshops between us, we decided to drive an online information centre to reach all points of this planet and beyond. That is why we have kept this academy extremely affordable, so access is readily available. 

  We are so excited for you to join in with us, as we explore this adventure called life!