There is something for everyone

No matter what stage you are in your personal, healing, business, or spiritual journey to enlightenment. 

Let's go!


Hello, we are team EIA

(Enlightened International Academy)

 Michelle, Therese and Andrea.

We are passionate about what we do, and are so looking forward to sharing this journey with you of unbecoming, growing, and expanding. 



We are all on our own healing journey, no matter what that looks like.  Here at EIA, we provide the strategies and mindset in order to stay on the path to creating a positive momentum. 


We all have access to our intuition, and with us, you will learn to refine those skills and start trusting in who you are at your core.  You will have opportunities to practice and enhance those skills. 


Magic is all around us, all we have to do is open our eyes. The Enlightened International Academy encourages you to explore more of what that looks like in your own lives, and to be aware of all the signs the universe delivers to you.

What can you expect from Enlightened International Academy

EIA is all about bringing to the surface the true YOU.  Enlightening your mind, your business, your life, your shed light on what has been hidden, and to allow us to find ways to bring ourselves home.


Become even clearer around who you are and how you can step even more into this ascending world. 


Learn more of the truths that have been hidden from us. Learn more of who we truly are and the origins of humanity. 


Learn to feel even more expansive and to call in even more of what you desire and want. 

Tier 1 Membership


Our most popular plan

  • Weekly videos (4 videos per month of new content)
  • Life skills to help you navigate where you currently are
  • Tools and strategies to help you enhance your gifts
  • Discounts on particular courses
  • Worksheets
  • Regular readings 
  • Healing videos
  • Learning various mediums
  • Meditations
  • Soul Tribe community
  • Yearly subscription available via store
  • And so much more...
Sign up to Tier 1 Monthly Subscription Now!

Membership means finally finding your soul tribe


In an ever changing world, we can often feel alone and isolated, though here at EIA, our purpose is to also create a community of likeminded people. A community of which is free from judgement and safe for all  

Have fun and learn in a safe environment with your soul tribe


It doesn't matter where you are on your enlightened journey, at the start or if you've been on it for a while. Welcome.

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